Kids Fitness
PFX YOUTH EXPLOSION: An invigorating and exciting kind of fun. This hour session is designed to get their heart pumping and bodies healthy! It is a great way to help kids get motivated, keep active and stay healthy! Each session will provide a variety of warm ups, stretching, cardiovascular, balance and co-ordination exercises. This program not only provides a moderate physical workout, it will also increase their confidence and children will have fun and feel good.
Goals they will achieve:
- Increase attention span and alertness
- Greater self-confidence and esteem
- Active and positive ways to spend free time
- Sleep better at night
Result they will experience:
- Increase in academics
- Discipline, determination, and patience
- Stronger bones muscles and joints
- Increased endurance
While your kids get fit parents can take advantage of our bi-weekly 30 minute kids nutrition talk by our Registered Naturopathic Nutritionist
Call us at 905.303.9900 for more information.